Confidential Client – Greenfield Grain Export Terminals
Location: Bunbury & Geelong, Austrailia
Matrix PDM Engineering provided fast-track conceptual engineering layout and design for new greenfield grain export terminals in Bunbury, Western Australia, and Geelong, Victoria, Australia. Tasks included the development of technical specifications and system descriptions for design-build project delivery methods for two-grain export facilities.
seven flat-bottom steel storage tanks
five flat-bottom steel storage tanks
Scope of Work
- Conceptual layout of truck receiving pits, steel storage silos, bucket elevators, conveyors, steel blending silos, bulk weighing, and reclaim conveyor systems
- Development of truck traffic routing within facilities, including sampling and weighing systems
- Development of complete technical specifications for tender packages
- Development of approved equipment and supplier lists
- Additional storage capacity in Bunbury of 51,800 mt (seven flat-bottom steel storage tanks with 7,400 mt each) and shipping capacity at 2,000 mtph
- Additional storage capacity in Geelong of 45,900 mt (five flat-bottom steel storage tanks with 7,700 mt each and one flat-bottom steel storage tank with 7,400 mt) and shipping capacity at 1,500 mtph
- Truck unloading capacity of two pits with a capacity of 500 mtph each